Wallifornia Music+Tech是創始於比利時列日,專為音樂科技與電競科技所打造的創意基地,讓新創團隊、音樂與電競玩家、投資者、程式設計工程師、黑客一起合作發展音樂與電競產業的未來。在每年有135,000樂迷參與的Les Ardentes電子搖滾音樂節揭幕的同時,Wallifornia集結750多位與會者參與主題演講、座談會、新創發表競賽、媒合會、育成加速計畫、黑客松、創意展示、娛樂表演,當然也少不了創意交流派對。在Ardentes電子搖滾音樂節活動期間,Wallifornia也是玩家必去之地,音樂節的所有樂迷都可參加Wallifornia特別設置的遊戲區互相挑戰。今年雖然受Covid-19疫情影響,無法實地舉辦,但基於對數位科技與創新的熱愛,主辦單位決定將整個活動改為100%線上舉辦,同時特別增加了電競項目。無論您是新創業者、黑客、電競玩家、專業人士、投資人,或單純只是享受娛樂的觀眾,都歡迎您線上參與並分享。
- 新創育成加速媒合(5月28日至7月9日 / 報名只到5月23日為止)
- 黑客松 (7月4日至7月9日 / 報名只到6月30日為止)
- 高峰論壇 (7月7日至7月9日 / 報名只到7月7日為止)
歡迎對電音電競有興趣的朋友, 至Wallifornia Music+Tech網站參閱更多活動資訊~
Wallifornia is a sunny MusicTech & eSport Tech hub based in Liège (Belgium), where startups, music & e-Sport professionals, investors, coders and hackers develop together the future of the music & the e-Sport industries. Once a year, to kick-off the Music Festival Les Ardentes (135.000 attendees), Wallifornia gathers 750+ attendees around keynotes, panels, pitch competitions, match making sessions, acceleration program, hackathon, demos, performances and of course, epic parties. During Les Ardentes, Wallifornia is also THE place to be for gamers. The 135.000+ attendees are welcome in the gaming zone and in the Wallifornia Park to shine challenging each others.
Wallifornia Music+Tech is reinventing itself in 2020 and moves to a 100% online event. Furthermore, in addition to innovation in the MUSIC industry, this 2020 edition welcomes ESPORT as a hot topic to deal with ! Here is our 2020 program
o START-UP ACCELERATOR (May 28th – July 9th / Application by 23 May 2020)
o HACKATHON (July 4th – July 9th / Register by 30 June)
o SUMMIT (July 7th – July 9th / Register by 7 July)
Please check the webiste of Wallifornia Music+Tech for more information. https://walliforniamusictech.com/