Xylowatt是比利時新魯汶大學的衍生公司,專門提供以專利的高效能氣化技術將生質廢棄物轉換為能源的整廠輸出解決方案, 協助企業與公、民營機構實行減碳行動,同時實踐循環經濟的理念。其生質燃料來源包括森林/農產廢棄物、未經加工的原木廢屑、已加工的工業木材、或污染的木材、汙水汙泥和工業廢棄物等;而Xylowatt的核心技術NOTAR® 反應爐是市場上唯一能直接在反應爐的出氣口產出乾淨合成氣(無焦油、無重金屬、無汙染物)的工業氣化爐。此項技術最近剛被陽光動力基金會Solar Impulse Foundation公認為1000種有效解決方案之一。 2017年CHU-UCL新魯汶大學附屬醫學中心Mont-Godinne分院採用Xylowat所開發的NOTAR®技術因而成為比利時第一家以自產綠能為主要電力來源的醫院。 公司同時也參與歐亞各地如英國、義大利、巴爾幹半島、日本等國的相關項目。
【The Notar®, an innovative and patented technology that produces clean renewable gas from the gasification of natural and recycled wood biomass, was developed by Xylowatt. This UCL spin-off has just been recognized as one of the "1000 effective solutions" selected by the Solar Impulse Foundation. 】
Spin-off of UCL created in 2001, Xylowatt specializes in gasification technologies. It has set itself the objectives of maximizing the production of renewable energy from biomass in order to limit both the exploitation of the necessary resources and the CO2 emissions associated with their use. It designs, builds and manages renewable energy production sites from 750 kW to 3 MW electric from natural and recycled wood residues. Today, the company is active in international industrial projects in several European countries, including the United Kingdom, Italy, the Balkans and Japan. Other projects and developments are under way.
Notar® has been recognized as one of 1000 effective solutions selected by the Solar Impulse Foundation. This "Effective Solutions" label certifies and proves the economic profitability of selected solutions that protect the environment. This new credible symbol serves as a guarantee of quality for clean and sustainable products, processes and services. This technology uses wood waste to produce energy. Xylowatt was awarded the label in December 2019, after the Notar® was evaluated by several experts from members of the Global Alliance.
In 2017, the UCL ChuL in Mont-Godinne became the first Belgian hospital powered mainly by green energy.