就連赫赫有名的法拉利都採用比利時公司Vetasoft 所研發的APP唷! Vetasoft 據點在瓦隆尼亞區的蒙斯(Mons),為法拉利會員俱樂部創作出一專屬平台,串聯47個國家的法拉利會員。不過想要當會員的先決條件當然是…有台法拉利…
Owners of the prestigious car manufacturer Ferrari are now using an application developed by the Belgian company Vetasoft, based in the Walloon city of Mons. The app provides access to a platform of the Ferrari owners’ club, bringing together members from 47 different countries. All it takes to become a member, is to own a Ferrari…
Source: RTBF, @belgianofficetaipei