自從被聯合國世界糧食計畫署指定為緊急物資的歐洲運送樞紐以來,列日機場確保了醫療和人道必要物資的輸送管道,使得有需求的國家人民能夠及時得到援助,特別是在非洲與中南美洲。由於COVID-19在這些地區造成前所未有的糧食危機,聯合國的世界糧食計畫署讓已經在這些國家工作的非政府組織能夠在此艱難的時空環境下繼續提供援助。8月20日晚上,為支援聯合國兒童基金會與無國界醫師組織的行動,糧食計畫署安排了一架包機飛往獅子山共和國首都自由城,數以噸計的醫用材料、 口罩、 藥品和防護衣在8月21日送達當地。
Since its designation by the World Food Programme (WFP) as a European hub, Liege Airport ensures the delivery of essential goods to people in need, particularly in Africa and Central and South America. The COVID-19 crisis is leading to an unprecedented food crisis in these regions and WFP is allowing non-governmental organizations (NGOs) active in these countries to continue their work despite everything. During the night of 20 August, a full flight to Freetown, Sierra Leone, was chartered by WFP on behalf of UNICEF and MSF to support their actions on the ground. Several tons of medical equipment, masks, medicines and protective clothing arrived in Sierra Leone on Friday (August 21st).
Liège Airport is proud to support WFP in its logistical needs.