位於新魯汶的Pix & Real是由專注於電影與視覺影像設計領域的LM3D與One Reality共同合作成立的一站式影視創意工作室,提供在專業影視製作上從概念發想、視覺預覽、概念設計至現場特效、服裝造型化妝的一條龍整合服務,以滿足導演、製作人以及製作公司的各種需求。他們的客戶除了包括比利時知名的觀光景點外,還有著名藝術家如歐洲最佳策展Luc Petit、電音歌手Stromae、導演Xavier Mairesse與2019年獲得法國凱撒獎最佳攝影的比利時攝影師Benoît Debie。Pix & Real的成功除了有賴公司團隊的努力外,還有Wallimage瓦隆影視推廣基金的補助。
2019年Wallimage針對電影迷推出一款APP介紹瓦隆尼亞的電影: Wallywood (http://wallywood.be/)。Pix & Real 的共同創辦人Pascal Degrune亦認為《瓦萊塢》這個名字蠻能展現瓦隆尼亞影視藝術產業的潛力。
Building Wallywood
Louvain-La-Neuve’s all-in-one creative workshop Pix & Real is born from the association of LM3D and One Reality studio, two veteran companies in films and show design. The facility can accommodate every need a director, a producer or studios might have. Pix & Real’s services range from idea development, previsualization and concept design to on-set special effects, costumes and make-up. Their clients not only include local attractions but also artists such as the multiple European Best Event Awards winner Luc Petit, musician Stromae, director Xavier Mairesse and the 2019 César Award winner Belgian cinematographer Benoît Debie. The company’s success can be attributed to their hard work and the financial support from Wallonia’s audiovisual economic fund Wallimage.
In 2019, Wallimage launched an APP for film fans: Wallywood (http://wallywood.be/). Co-founder of Pix & Real Pascal Degrune says the name fits the Region’s potential.
Source: WAB magazine Autumn 2019