為協助對抗新冠狀病毒,比利時瓦隆區的 Andaman7、 Opal Solutions與Tooddoc等公司提出最實用的解決方案:
當一些比利時新創公司在新冠疫情危機中遭受重創時,但也有一些公司化危機為轉機,其中尤以Digital Wallonia數位產業平台內與生技醫療相關的產業特別活躍。最佳案例為比利時列日地區的新創公司Andaman7,該公司多年來一直致力於開發行動應用軟體來加強醫生和患者之間的溝通,利用手機或平板分享醫療紀錄並確保其安全性。近期也在許多醫生的協助下,推出免費下載的" Covid-19模組“來減輕醫生的工作量。利用此Covid-19模組,有症狀的患者會被要求先回答問卷,以電子郵件或檔案形式分享給疫情通報及諮詢服務中心與醫生,進而達到遠端問診與患者分流的效果。在醫療量能面對嚴峻考驗的時刻,Andaman7 可加速判別患者病情輕重與優先順序,並減少醫療人員感染的風險。另一家位於新魯汶的新創公司Opal Solutions,主要協助醫院及其各部門將資訊簡化成易於讀取的智慧儀表板以優化管理。面對Covid-19,Opal Solutions所建立的新模組可集結整合醫療人員所提供的數據,進而掌握醫院及相關護理單位的資源與醫療量能。Opal Solutions表示目前此解決方案已建置在四間比利時法語區的醫院,包括位於布魯塞爾的Saint-Pierre醫院,並希望能夠迅速地部署至其他醫療院所。Tooddoc新創公司也致力於強化緊急醫療狀態管理,吸引4000多位醫生加入平台,藉由病患線上預約及其所列的症狀等資訊,可針對嚴重病例優先排序,並分配給相關科別醫生,避免在候診室發生交叉感染的狀況。
***更多公司案例介紹(如:DNAlytics、Osimis、 Soft4Doc等)可上Digital Wallonia平台查詢
Andaman7, Opal Solutions, Tooddoc: three examples of Walloon SMEs offering practical solutions to better fight against coronavirus
While quite a few Belgian start-ups are likely to suffer throughout the coronavirus crisis (those still looking for a business model or fundraising), others have seized the opportunity to usefully come forward. This is notably the case of digital Walloon start-ups active in the health sector. A first concrete example: Andaman7 , a start-up in the Liège region created by Vincent Keunen. The company has developed since a few years a mobile application "collaborative medical record" to improve communication between doctors and patients (to be downloaded from Google Play or AppStore). With the help of doctors, Andaman7 has launched a free front-line "pandemic module" to ease the work of doctors. Via this Covid-19 module, a patient who develops symptoms will be invited to answer a questionnaire. The results will then be structured in an e-mail or a document, which can be shared with a call centre or a doctor. The system has a double advantage: speeding up the identification of priority cases and reducing the risk of infection for medical staff. Another example: Opal Solutions. This start-up from Louvain-la-Neuve, founded by Xavier Rouby, has developed Careboard. It is a dashboard designed to help the management of hospitals and their various departments. Facing Covid- 19, Opal Solutions has created a new module to measure, in real time, hospital capacity. This module is powered by hospital staff. Opal aggregates the data and generates a series of useful information to better manage the hospitals and the different care units. "We are in the process of deploying this module in four French-speaking hospitals, including Hôpital Saint-Pierre in Brussels," says Rouby . It's a solution that we would be able to deploy very quickly in other hospitals." Last example (*): Tooddoc . This start-up company offers a solution, which already brings together more than 4,000 practitioners, with the aim of facilitating the management of medical emergencies. The digital tool makes it possible to redistribute patients among general practitioners, to avoid cross-contamination in the waiting room by making appointments online and, finally, to prioritize severe cases thanks to a questionnaire listing the patient's symptoms.
(*) Other examples (DNAlytics, Osimis, Soft4Doc, etc.) are presented on the Digital Wallonia platform https://www.digitalwallonia.be/en/directory