來自比利時蒙斯的AMB Ecosteryl公司,面對新冠狀病毒危機已準備好全力應戰
成立於1947年的AMB Ecosteryl,專門生產處理危險醫療廢棄物設備,在近幾個禮拜已接獲不下三十張訂單。除歐洲外,其產品也已出口至馬來西亞和菲律賓等亞洲國家,目前泰國、日本、印尼與中國也正積極與公司接洽中。自2000年以來,AMB Ecosteryl所生產的可處理危險醫療廢棄物設備已取得專利,並號稱是市場上唯一可供應具有每年處理2000噸廢棄物的能力的模組機器。Ecosteryl系統具備智能、安全且高效的特性,採用環保、無化工製程,且不會排放有害物質與汙水。AMB Ecosteryl產品已取得巴黎巴斯德研究院(Paris Pasteur Institute)認證,並且適用於Covid-19相關廢棄物處理,公司目前正積極提高產能,以因應當前公衛緊急情況的需求。
A company from Mons, Belgium is ready to respond to the Covid-19 crises
No less than thirty orders in a few weeks for the Mons based company AMB Ecosteryl, which makes processing units for potentially hazardous medical waste. Established in 1947, with only 30 persons and a turn-over of 15 million euro, the company exports entirely its production worldwide and has already branched out in Asia, namely Malaysia and the Philippines. It is now approached by Thailand, Japan, Indonesia and China. Since the 2000s, the company exclusively produces patented processing machines to treat potentially hazardous medical waste. The company claims to be the only supplier in the market offering such modular machines and with such treatment capacity (2000 tons of waste per year). The Ecosteryl is an intelligent, safe and efficient system using an environmentally friendly, chemical-free process with no emittance of harmful substance or waste water. Certified by the Paris Pasteur Institute, the machines are suitable for the Covid-19, and the company is now increasing its production capacity to meet the demand for cases of sanitary emergency.
Source: https://www.lecho.be/content/echo/fr/mme-articles/10/20/76/39/10207639